Master Bimba (Manoel dos Reis Machado)
(1900-1974), the son of Luiz Cândido Machado and Maria Marinha do Bonfim, was born on November 23, 1900, in the neighborhood of “Engenho Velho”, Freguesia de Brotas, of Salvador de Bahia in Brazil. The nickname “Bimba” comes from a bet between his mother and the midwife. The first thought she would have a girl while the midwife was sure it would be a boy. At the birth, the mother asked who had won the bet and the midwife replied “It's a bimba, Mrs. Martinha”. The word “bimba” in Portuguese refers to the male genital organ of babies.
Bimba began doing Capoeira at the age of 12, with a Master of African descent named Bentinho, captain of the Bahia Shipping Company. Four years later Bimba began teaching Capoeira Angola to company employees in the ports of Bahia. Regional Capoeira emerged from the merger of Capoeira Angola with Batuque, a fight that Bimba had learned from his father, champion of the State of Bahia. This new form of Capoeira was called “Bahia Regional Wrestling”. Bimba then sought to prove his effectiveness not only against other capoeiristas and aggressive police officers but also and mainly, by launching a challenge to other known representatives of all types of struggles. He won all the tournaments, the one that lasted the longest not exceeding 1 minute and 10 seconds. The newspapers of Bahia recounted his exploits, emphasizing his courage and tenacity. With the expansion of the sport beyond the confines of Salvador, wrestling came to be called "Regional Capoeira." In 1932 Mestre Bimba founded his first regional Capoeira academy, in the “Engenho Velho de Brotas” of Salvador, called the “Regional Physical Cultural Center of Bahia”.
In 1937 he managed to register his academy with the Secretariat of Education, Health and Public Assistance of Salvador, in recognition of his work.
In 1942 he founded his second academy in Terreiro de Jesus. Disappointed by the lack of support from the public authorities of Bahia and trusting in the promises of his student Oswaldo de Souza, who gave lessons in Goiana, Bimba left for this capital in January 1973, sure of finding a more dignified life there.
On February 5, 1974, at the Goiania Hospital, Master Bimba died, victim of a stroke, with the bitterness of betrayals, the disappointment of the lack of support received, and financial difficulties.
Rules of Mestre Bimba