was born on September 5, 1973 in Roubaix. He started capoeira in September 1996 in Bruges Belgium with Mestre Cal Matos who was at the time red rope blue.
Before starting capoeira, Mestre Carlos practiced different sports: gymnastics for 10 years, French boxing for 4 years as well as American and Thai boxing; When he was younger, he also played a team sport, handball, for 2 years. Coming from a family of musicians and of Portuguese origin, it was quite natural that he was interested in capoeira with its acrobatic side mixed with combat all in music.
Today, Mestre Carlos still teaches capoeira in Lille and he has been able to train several instructors and professors who teach capoeira under his supervision. Mestre Carlos obtained his black rope on June 12, 2022 in Lille, from the hand of his Mestre and friend, Mestre Cal Matos. Demanding and rigorous, Mestre Carlos maintains his physical condition by practicing bodybuilding in particular and continues to work on his capoeira and to bring his knowledge and energy to the various festivals in which he participates.